Choosing The Best Web Hosting Options
A web hosting service, simply put, is a kind of Internet hosting service which enables people and organizations to create their own website accessible through the World Wide Web. It is used by small and big organizations as well as individuals for different purposes. There are various web hosting companies existing today offering diverse kinds of web hosting services. While there are many companies that offer free web hosting services, it is best to go in for a paid web hosting company to get your site online. The reason for this is that with a free service, there are no guarantee of stability and if the web hosting company goes out of business, the website will also be inaccessible. On the other hand, with paid service, you have security measures to safeguard your website and there is also the guarantee of uptime.
In addition, you can also expect the web hosting companies to have excellent customer support. In order to ensure that your site is functional at all times, you will have to deal with problems related to the website like bandwidth issues, website security, website load speed and many more. With the help of customer support provided by the web hosting companies, you can expect round-the-clock assistance and help from them.
Some of the web hosting companies offer live chat facilities for customer support. In this respect, if you feel that your question has not been answered satisfactorily, or you have queries about anything, then you can access the live chat feature on the website host's website. This is helpful especially when you are having some problems regarding the website. The live chat feature provided by most of these companies will enable you to contact the customer support executives of that company over the phone and talk to them. There is no need to send an email to the customer support executives of the company as most of the website host companies provide email support. However, this support may not be as effective as the one you can get over the phone.
These web hosting companies also offer remote backup feature to their customers. If you are using any important data on the website, then you should opt for remote backup feature included in the web hosting plan. The remote backup feature will enable you to transfer your important web files to another location, if any problems occur with the server of the host. Thus, you do not have to worry about your important web files as your server will always be up-to-date.
Most of the web hosting companies offer free website design services to their customers. These design services are of great value to the customers. In fact, it is one of the prerogatives of the best web hosts. If you want to create a website that is customized according to your taste and requirements, then you can always work with these web hosts. They will always give you the best web hosting plans according to your specific requirements and budget. You will also be able to get some tips on how to increase the traffic on your website.
Most of the companies offer two options of hosting. They either use shared or dedicated server technologies. Although both of these technologies are used, however, the virtual private servers are much more beneficial as compared to the other technologies. This is because on the Virtual private servers, the customer can get a larger amount of disk space and RAM than what he would get with shared servers.
The other main difference between the shared web hosting and the managed WordPress hosting is the cost involved in each of these technologies. The cost involved with the dedicated web hosting is much higher than the cost involved with the managed WordPress hosting. The reason behind this is that when you use the managed web hosting option, the web host takes care of all the security features and databases. The security features are mainly because of the fact that a large number of websites tend to share the same server and the security of the website is largely dependent on the level of security that you have applied for your website.
Some of the best hosting companies in the market are Cloud Hosting and Siteground. These companies provide excellent customer support and the time of their servers are not less than ninety-five percent. You can also try out the siteground domain. This is one of the most popular sites that people visit and most of the people prefer this type of hosting option.
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